What's your current color consistency? What are your color aims?
Which solutions can help you grow in color management?
The final scope of the project, measurable results!
We are consultants who know and work with your suppliers, like Print houses, ink manufacturers, repro…
We are experienced color technicians and are members of major trade associations and part of the ISO/TC 130 team, like ISO, Fogra, Idealliance, FTA…
We are a software house that can create custom-made solutions, like ColorTrack, InkWeigh, ColorAnalytics, HDCC…
Color management technical knowledge
Creation of your color guideline, custom profiles, color cards,…
For a correct implementation of the color guide rules
Support during supplier’s audits
Supply or development of the necessary tools
Best practice to maintain the result obtained
Harmonized appearance of your packaging on the shelf within and between countries
Common approach toward your suppliers improving their quality and reducing color claims
Common procedure, creation of a specific method to manage & control the packaging color consistency
Speed up time to market from creativity to press, and from makeready to production, cost & time saving